†Denotes undergraduate student mentee
39. Krichels, A. H., Greene, A. C., Stephens, E. Z., Zhao, S., Schimel, J. P., Aronson, E. L., Hanan, E. J., & Homyak, P. M. (2024). Nitrifier controls on soil NO and N2O emissions in three chaparral ecosystems under contrasting atmospheric N inputs. Soil Biology and Biochemistry
38. Ren, J., Hanan, E. J., D'Odorico, P., Tague, C., Schimel, J. P., & Homyak, P. M. (2024). Dryland watersheds in flux: How nitrogen deposition and changing precipitation regimes shape nitrogen export. Earth's Future, 12, e2023EF004120. https://doi.org/10.1029/2023EF004120
37. Ren, J., Hanan, E. J., Greene, A., Tague, C., Krichels, A. H., Burke, W. D., Schimel, J.P., Homyak, P.M. (2024). Simulating the role of biogeochemical hotspots in driving nitrogen export from dryland watersheds. Water Resources Research, 60, e2023WR036008
36. Krichels, A.H., Jenerette G.D., Shulman H., Piper S., Greene A.C., Andrews H.M., Botthoff J., Sickman J.O., Aronson E.L., Homyak P.M. (2023). Bacterial denitrification drives elevated N2O emissions in arid southern California drylands. Science Advances, 9, eadj1989
35. Avila, C. C. E., Schaefer, M. V., Duro, A. M., Haensel, T. P., Garniwan, A., Lin, Y., Darrel Jenerette, G., Nico, P. S., Dubinsky, E., Keiluweit, M., Brodie, E. L., Lin, Y.-H., Homyak, P. M., & Ying, S. C. (2023). Carbon dynamics as a function of soil moisture following repeated wet-dry cycles in irrigated soils. Geoderma, 439, 116681
34. Stephens, E.Z. and Homyak, P.M. 2023. Post-fire soil emissions of nitric oxide (NO) and nitrous oxide (N2O) across global ecosystems: a review. Biogeochemistry
33. Lyu, M., Homyak, P. M., Xie, J., Peñuelas, J., Ryan, M. G., Xiong, X., Sardans, J., Lin, W., Wang, M., Chen, G., & Yang, Y. 2023. Litter quality controls tradeoffs in soil carbon decomposition and replenishment in a subtropical forest. Journal of Ecology
32. Yu, L., Homyak, P. M., Li, L., & Gu, H. 2023. Succession of bacterial community structure in response to a one-time application of biochar in barley rhizosphere and bulk soils. Elementa: Science of the Anthropocene
31. Krichels, A. H., Homyak, P. M., Aronson, E. L., Sickman, J. O., Botthoff, J., Greene, A. C., Andrews, H. M., Shulman, H., Piper, S., & Jenerette, G. D. 2023. Soil NH3 emissions across an aridity, soil pH, and N deposition gradient in southern California. Elementa: Science of the Anthropocene
30. Wang, X., Li, S., Zhu, B., Homyak, P. M., Chen, G., Yao, X., Wu, D., Yang, Z., Lyu, M., & Yang, Y. (2023). Long-term nitrogen deposition inhibits soil priming effects by enhancing phosphorus limitation in a subtropical forest. Global Change Biology
29. Andrews, H.M., Krichels, A.H., Homyak, P.M., Piper, S., Aronson, E.L., Botthoff, J., Greene, A.C. and Jenerette, G.D. 2023. Wetting-induced soil CO2 emission pulses are driven by interactions among soil temperature, carbon, and nitrogen limitation in the Colorado Desert. Global Change Biology.
28. Pulido-Chavez, M.F., Randolph, J.W.J., Zalman, C., Larios, L., Homyak, P.M. and Glassman, S.I. 2022. Rapid bacterial and fungal successional dynamics in first year after Chaparral wildfire. Molecular Ecology
27. Püspök, J.F., Zhao, S., Calma†, A.D., Vourlitis, G.L., Allison, S.D., Aronson, E.L., Schimel, J.P., Hanan, E.J. and Homyak, P.M. 2022. Effects of experimental nitrogen deposition on soil organic carbon storage in Southern California drylands. Global Change Biology.
*Press release by Jules Bernstein and by Brooke Staggs
26. Krichels, A. H., Greene, A. C., Jenerette, G. D., Spasojevic, M. J., Glassman, S. I., & Homyak, P. M. 2022. Precipitation legacies amplify ecosystem nitrogen losses from nitric oxide emissions in a Pinyon–Juniper dryland. Ecology
25. Osborne, B. B., Bestelmeyer, B. T., Currier, C. M., Homyak, P. M., Throop, H. L., Young, K., & Reed, S. C. 2022. The consequences of climate change for dryland biogeochemistry. New Phytologist.
24. Andrews, H. M., Homyak, P. M., Oikawa, P. Y., Wang, J., & Jenerette, G. D. 2022. Water-conscious management strategies reduce per-yield irrigation and soil emissions of CO2, N2O, and NO in high-temperature forage cropping systems. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 332, 107944
23. Spasojevic, M. J., Homyak, P. M., Jenerette, G. D., Goulden, M. L., McFaul, S., Madsen-McQueen, T., Schauer, L., & Solis, M. 2022. Altered precipitation has asymmetric impacts on annual plant communities in warm and cool growing seasons. Elementa: Science of the Anthropocene, 10(1)
22. Krichels A.H., P.M. Homyak, E.L. Aronson, J.O. Sickman, H. Shulman, S. Piper, H. Andrews, G.D. Jenerette. 2022. Rapid nitrate reduction produces pulsed NO and N2O emissions following wetting of dryland soils. Biogeochemistry
*Press release by Jules Bernstein
21. Slessarev E.W., A.C. Greene, P.M. Homyak, S.C. Ying, J.P. Schimel. 2021. High resolution measurements reveal abiotic and biotic mechanisms of elevated nitric oxide emission after wetting dry soil. Soil Biology and Biochemistry
20. Bingham N.L., E.W. Slessarev, P.M. Homyak, O.A. Chadwick. 2021. Rock-sourced nitrogen in semi-arid, shale-derived California soils. Frontiers in Forests and Global Change 4:57
19. Homyak P.M., E.W. Slessarev, S. Hagerty, A.C. Greene, K. Marchus, K.Dowdy, S. Iverson, and J.P. Schimel. 2021. Amino acids dominate diffusive nitrogen fluxes across soil depths in acidic tussock tundra. New Phytologist 231:2162-2173
*Commentary by Inselsbacher and Wanek
18. Eberwein J.R., P.M. Homyak, C.J. Carey, E.L. Aronson, and G.D. Jenerette 2020. Large nitrogen oxide emission pulses from desert soils and associated microbiomes. Biogeochemistry Letters 149:239-250
17. Slessarev E.W., Y. Lin, B.Y. Jimenez, P.M. Homyak, O.A. Chadwick, C.M. D’Antonio, and J.P. Schimel. 2020. Cellular and extracellular C contributions to respiration after wetting dry soil. Biogeochemistry 147:307-324
16. Lu Y., P.M. Homyak, X. Kang, P.C. Brookes, Y. Ye, Y. Lin, A. Muhammad, J. Xu. 2020. Changes in abundance and composition of nitrifying communities in barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) rhizosphere and bulk soils over the growth period following combined biochar and urea amendment. Biology and Fertility of Soils 56:169-183
15. Lyu M., X. Li, J. Xie, P.M. Homyak, L. Ukonmaanaho, Z. Yang, X. Liu, C. Ruan, Y. Yang. 2019. Root–microbial interaction accelerates soil nitrogen depletion but not soil carbon after increasing litter inputs to a coniferous forest. Plant and Soil 444:153-164
14. Sickman J.O., A.E. James, M.E. Fenn, A. Bytnerowicz, D.M. Lucero, and P.M. Homyak. 2019. A test of the integrated total nitrogen input (ITNI) method for quantifying N deposition in a semi-arid region. Science of the Total Environment 646: 1253-1264
13. Hall S.J., L. Reyes, W. Huang, and P.M. Homyak. 2018. Revisiting the “hole-in-the-pipe” model: Impacts of soil moisture on nitrous and nitric oxide emissions. Journal of Geophysical Research-Biogeosciences 123
12. Homyak P.M., J.C. Blankinship, E.W. Slessarev, S.M. Schaeffer, S. Manzoni, and J.P. Schimel. 2018. Effects of altered dry-season length and plant inputs on soluble soil carbon. Ecology 99: 2348-2362
11. Homyak, P.M., S.D. Allison, T.E. Huxman, M.L. Goulden, and K.K. Treseder. 2017. Effects of drought manipulation on soil nitrogen cycling: A meta-analysis. Journal of Geophysical Research-Biogeosciences 122: 3260-3272
* Top downloaded article 2017-2018 JGR: Biogeosciences
10. Leitner S., P.M. Homyak, J.C. Blankinship, J. Eberwein, D.J. Jenerette, S. Zechmeister-Boltenstern, and J.P. Schimel. 2017. Linking NO and N2O emission pulses with the mobilization of mineral and organic N upon rewetting dry soils. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 115: 461-466
9. Schaeffer S.M., P.M. Homyak, C.M. Boot, D. Roux-Michollet, and J.P. Schimel. 2017. Soil carbon and nitrogen dynamics throughout the summer drought in a California annual grassland. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 115: 54-62
8. Homyak P.M., M.T. Kamiyama†, J.O. Sickman, and J.P. Schimel. 2017. Acidity and organic matter promote abiotic nitric oxide production in drying soils. Global Change Biology 23: 1735-1747
7. Homyak P.M., J.C. Blankinship, K. Marchus, D.M. Lucero, J.O. Sickman, and J.P. Schimel. 2016. Aridity and plant uptake interact to make dryland soils hotspots for nitric oxide (NO) emissions. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 113(19): E2608-E2616
* Awarded the Gene E. Likens Award of the Ecological Society of America Biogeosciences section
6. Homyak P.M., K.T. Vasquez†, J.O. Sickman, D.R. Parker, and J.P. Schimel. 2015. Improving nitrite analysis in soils: Drawbacks of the conventional 2 M KCl extraction. Soil Science Society of America Journal 79: 1237-1242
5. Homyak P.M., J.O. Sickman, A.E. Miller, J.M. Melack, and J.P. Schimel. 2014. Assessing N saturation in a seasonally dry chaparral watershed: Limitations of traditional indicators of N saturation. Ecosystems 17: 1286-1305
* Awarded the Elizabeth Sulzman Award (honorable mention) of the Ecological Society of America Biogeosciences section
4. Homyak P.M., J.O. Sickman, and J.M. Melack. 2014. Phosphorus in sediments of high-elevation lakes in the Sierra Nevada (California): Implications for internal phosphorus loading. Aquatic Sciences 76: 511-525
3. Homyak P.M. and J.O. Sickman. 2014. Influence of soil moisture on the seasonality of nitric oxide emissions from chaparral soils, Sierra Nevada, California, USA. Journal of Arid Environments 103: 46-52
2. Homyak P.M., J.O. Sickman, and J.M. Melack. 2014. Pools, transformations, and sources of P in high-elevation soils: Implications for nutrient transfer to Sierra Nevada lakes. Geoderma 217-218: 65-73
1. Homyak P.M., R.D. Yanai, D.A. Burns, R.H. Germain, R.D. Briggs. 2008. Nitrogen immobilization by wood-chip application: protecting water quality in a northern hardwood forest. Forest Ecology and Management 255: 2589-2601
39. Krichels, A. H., Greene, A. C., Stephens, E. Z., Zhao, S., Schimel, J. P., Aronson, E. L., Hanan, E. J., & Homyak, P. M. (2024). Nitrifier controls on soil NO and N2O emissions in three chaparral ecosystems under contrasting atmospheric N inputs. Soil Biology and Biochemistry
38. Ren, J., Hanan, E. J., D'Odorico, P., Tague, C., Schimel, J. P., & Homyak, P. M. (2024). Dryland watersheds in flux: How nitrogen deposition and changing precipitation regimes shape nitrogen export. Earth's Future, 12, e2023EF004120. https://doi.org/10.1029/2023EF004120
37. Ren, J., Hanan, E. J., Greene, A., Tague, C., Krichels, A. H., Burke, W. D., Schimel, J.P., Homyak, P.M. (2024). Simulating the role of biogeochemical hotspots in driving nitrogen export from dryland watersheds. Water Resources Research, 60, e2023WR036008
36. Krichels, A.H., Jenerette G.D., Shulman H., Piper S., Greene A.C., Andrews H.M., Botthoff J., Sickman J.O., Aronson E.L., Homyak P.M. (2023). Bacterial denitrification drives elevated N2O emissions in arid southern California drylands. Science Advances, 9, eadj1989
35. Avila, C. C. E., Schaefer, M. V., Duro, A. M., Haensel, T. P., Garniwan, A., Lin, Y., Darrel Jenerette, G., Nico, P. S., Dubinsky, E., Keiluweit, M., Brodie, E. L., Lin, Y.-H., Homyak, P. M., & Ying, S. C. (2023). Carbon dynamics as a function of soil moisture following repeated wet-dry cycles in irrigated soils. Geoderma, 439, 116681
34. Stephens, E.Z. and Homyak, P.M. 2023. Post-fire soil emissions of nitric oxide (NO) and nitrous oxide (N2O) across global ecosystems: a review. Biogeochemistry
33. Lyu, M., Homyak, P. M., Xie, J., Peñuelas, J., Ryan, M. G., Xiong, X., Sardans, J., Lin, W., Wang, M., Chen, G., & Yang, Y. 2023. Litter quality controls tradeoffs in soil carbon decomposition and replenishment in a subtropical forest. Journal of Ecology
32. Yu, L., Homyak, P. M., Li, L., & Gu, H. 2023. Succession of bacterial community structure in response to a one-time application of biochar in barley rhizosphere and bulk soils. Elementa: Science of the Anthropocene
31. Krichels, A. H., Homyak, P. M., Aronson, E. L., Sickman, J. O., Botthoff, J., Greene, A. C., Andrews, H. M., Shulman, H., Piper, S., & Jenerette, G. D. 2023. Soil NH3 emissions across an aridity, soil pH, and N deposition gradient in southern California. Elementa: Science of the Anthropocene
30. Wang, X., Li, S., Zhu, B., Homyak, P. M., Chen, G., Yao, X., Wu, D., Yang, Z., Lyu, M., & Yang, Y. (2023). Long-term nitrogen deposition inhibits soil priming effects by enhancing phosphorus limitation in a subtropical forest. Global Change Biology
29. Andrews, H.M., Krichels, A.H., Homyak, P.M., Piper, S., Aronson, E.L., Botthoff, J., Greene, A.C. and Jenerette, G.D. 2023. Wetting-induced soil CO2 emission pulses are driven by interactions among soil temperature, carbon, and nitrogen limitation in the Colorado Desert. Global Change Biology.
28. Pulido-Chavez, M.F., Randolph, J.W.J., Zalman, C., Larios, L., Homyak, P.M. and Glassman, S.I. 2022. Rapid bacterial and fungal successional dynamics in first year after Chaparral wildfire. Molecular Ecology
27. Püspök, J.F., Zhao, S., Calma†, A.D., Vourlitis, G.L., Allison, S.D., Aronson, E.L., Schimel, J.P., Hanan, E.J. and Homyak, P.M. 2022. Effects of experimental nitrogen deposition on soil organic carbon storage in Southern California drylands. Global Change Biology.
*Press release by Jules Bernstein and by Brooke Staggs
26. Krichels, A. H., Greene, A. C., Jenerette, G. D., Spasojevic, M. J., Glassman, S. I., & Homyak, P. M. 2022. Precipitation legacies amplify ecosystem nitrogen losses from nitric oxide emissions in a Pinyon–Juniper dryland. Ecology
25. Osborne, B. B., Bestelmeyer, B. T., Currier, C. M., Homyak, P. M., Throop, H. L., Young, K., & Reed, S. C. 2022. The consequences of climate change for dryland biogeochemistry. New Phytologist.
24. Andrews, H. M., Homyak, P. M., Oikawa, P. Y., Wang, J., & Jenerette, G. D. 2022. Water-conscious management strategies reduce per-yield irrigation and soil emissions of CO2, N2O, and NO in high-temperature forage cropping systems. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 332, 107944
23. Spasojevic, M. J., Homyak, P. M., Jenerette, G. D., Goulden, M. L., McFaul, S., Madsen-McQueen, T., Schauer, L., & Solis, M. 2022. Altered precipitation has asymmetric impacts on annual plant communities in warm and cool growing seasons. Elementa: Science of the Anthropocene, 10(1)
22. Krichels A.H., P.M. Homyak, E.L. Aronson, J.O. Sickman, H. Shulman, S. Piper, H. Andrews, G.D. Jenerette. 2022. Rapid nitrate reduction produces pulsed NO and N2O emissions following wetting of dryland soils. Biogeochemistry
*Press release by Jules Bernstein
21. Slessarev E.W., A.C. Greene, P.M. Homyak, S.C. Ying, J.P. Schimel. 2021. High resolution measurements reveal abiotic and biotic mechanisms of elevated nitric oxide emission after wetting dry soil. Soil Biology and Biochemistry
20. Bingham N.L., E.W. Slessarev, P.M. Homyak, O.A. Chadwick. 2021. Rock-sourced nitrogen in semi-arid, shale-derived California soils. Frontiers in Forests and Global Change 4:57
19. Homyak P.M., E.W. Slessarev, S. Hagerty, A.C. Greene, K. Marchus, K.Dowdy, S. Iverson, and J.P. Schimel. 2021. Amino acids dominate diffusive nitrogen fluxes across soil depths in acidic tussock tundra. New Phytologist 231:2162-2173
*Commentary by Inselsbacher and Wanek
18. Eberwein J.R., P.M. Homyak, C.J. Carey, E.L. Aronson, and G.D. Jenerette 2020. Large nitrogen oxide emission pulses from desert soils and associated microbiomes. Biogeochemistry Letters 149:239-250
17. Slessarev E.W., Y. Lin, B.Y. Jimenez, P.M. Homyak, O.A. Chadwick, C.M. D’Antonio, and J.P. Schimel. 2020. Cellular and extracellular C contributions to respiration after wetting dry soil. Biogeochemistry 147:307-324
16. Lu Y., P.M. Homyak, X. Kang, P.C. Brookes, Y. Ye, Y. Lin, A. Muhammad, J. Xu. 2020. Changes in abundance and composition of nitrifying communities in barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) rhizosphere and bulk soils over the growth period following combined biochar and urea amendment. Biology and Fertility of Soils 56:169-183
15. Lyu M., X. Li, J. Xie, P.M. Homyak, L. Ukonmaanaho, Z. Yang, X. Liu, C. Ruan, Y. Yang. 2019. Root–microbial interaction accelerates soil nitrogen depletion but not soil carbon after increasing litter inputs to a coniferous forest. Plant and Soil 444:153-164
14. Sickman J.O., A.E. James, M.E. Fenn, A. Bytnerowicz, D.M. Lucero, and P.M. Homyak. 2019. A test of the integrated total nitrogen input (ITNI) method for quantifying N deposition in a semi-arid region. Science of the Total Environment 646: 1253-1264
13. Hall S.J., L. Reyes, W. Huang, and P.M. Homyak. 2018. Revisiting the “hole-in-the-pipe” model: Impacts of soil moisture on nitrous and nitric oxide emissions. Journal of Geophysical Research-Biogeosciences 123
12. Homyak P.M., J.C. Blankinship, E.W. Slessarev, S.M. Schaeffer, S. Manzoni, and J.P. Schimel. 2018. Effects of altered dry-season length and plant inputs on soluble soil carbon. Ecology 99: 2348-2362
11. Homyak, P.M., S.D. Allison, T.E. Huxman, M.L. Goulden, and K.K. Treseder. 2017. Effects of drought manipulation on soil nitrogen cycling: A meta-analysis. Journal of Geophysical Research-Biogeosciences 122: 3260-3272
* Top downloaded article 2017-2018 JGR: Biogeosciences
10. Leitner S., P.M. Homyak, J.C. Blankinship, J. Eberwein, D.J. Jenerette, S. Zechmeister-Boltenstern, and J.P. Schimel. 2017. Linking NO and N2O emission pulses with the mobilization of mineral and organic N upon rewetting dry soils. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 115: 461-466
9. Schaeffer S.M., P.M. Homyak, C.M. Boot, D. Roux-Michollet, and J.P. Schimel. 2017. Soil carbon and nitrogen dynamics throughout the summer drought in a California annual grassland. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 115: 54-62
8. Homyak P.M., M.T. Kamiyama†, J.O. Sickman, and J.P. Schimel. 2017. Acidity and organic matter promote abiotic nitric oxide production in drying soils. Global Change Biology 23: 1735-1747
7. Homyak P.M., J.C. Blankinship, K. Marchus, D.M. Lucero, J.O. Sickman, and J.P. Schimel. 2016. Aridity and plant uptake interact to make dryland soils hotspots for nitric oxide (NO) emissions. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 113(19): E2608-E2616
* Awarded the Gene E. Likens Award of the Ecological Society of America Biogeosciences section
6. Homyak P.M., K.T. Vasquez†, J.O. Sickman, D.R. Parker, and J.P. Schimel. 2015. Improving nitrite analysis in soils: Drawbacks of the conventional 2 M KCl extraction. Soil Science Society of America Journal 79: 1237-1242
5. Homyak P.M., J.O. Sickman, A.E. Miller, J.M. Melack, and J.P. Schimel. 2014. Assessing N saturation in a seasonally dry chaparral watershed: Limitations of traditional indicators of N saturation. Ecosystems 17: 1286-1305
* Awarded the Elizabeth Sulzman Award (honorable mention) of the Ecological Society of America Biogeosciences section
4. Homyak P.M., J.O. Sickman, and J.M. Melack. 2014. Phosphorus in sediments of high-elevation lakes in the Sierra Nevada (California): Implications for internal phosphorus loading. Aquatic Sciences 76: 511-525
3. Homyak P.M. and J.O. Sickman. 2014. Influence of soil moisture on the seasonality of nitric oxide emissions from chaparral soils, Sierra Nevada, California, USA. Journal of Arid Environments 103: 46-52
2. Homyak P.M., J.O. Sickman, and J.M. Melack. 2014. Pools, transformations, and sources of P in high-elevation soils: Implications for nutrient transfer to Sierra Nevada lakes. Geoderma 217-218: 65-73
1. Homyak P.M., R.D. Yanai, D.A. Burns, R.H. Germain, R.D. Briggs. 2008. Nitrogen immobilization by wood-chip application: protecting water quality in a northern hardwood forest. Forest Ecology and Management 255: 2589-2601